How To Take Care Of Hair After Keratin Treatment 2024? 

by Tommy Sroski

Learn how to take care of hair after keratin treatment for the next 72 hours and general hair care after keratin treatment. 

Greetings, hair enthusiasts! I’m Tommy Sroski, a seasoned hairstylist and haircare expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. 

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of transforming countless clients’ hair, helping them achieve their desired look and feel. 

Today, I’m excited to share my expertise on post-keratin treatment hair care, guiding you through the essential steps to maintain your smooth, frizz-free locks.

Best Way to Take Care of Hair After Keratin Treatment

Key takeaways:

  • Use sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for post-keratin treatment care.
  • Limit heat styling and always use a heat protectant spray when using heat styling tools.
  • Protect hair from environmental damage with a leave-in conditioner or hair mask and use a satin or silk pillowcase.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and hydration for overall hair health.
  • Get regular trims to remove split ends and prevent further damage.
  • Consult a hairstylist or trichologist for personalized hair care advice.

How To Take Care Of Hair After Keratin Treatment? 

To preserve the sleek, frizz-free results of your keratin treatment, follow these essential aftercare practices:

  1. Avoid washing or wetting hair for the first 72 hours to allow the keratin to fully bond with your hair strands.
  1. Wash hair less frequently, ideally every 3-4 days, using sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoo and conditioner.
  1. Minimize heat styling and use low heat settings with heat protectants when necessary.
  1. Protect hair from chlorine and saltwater by wearing a swim cap or rinsing hair with fresh water after swimming.
  1. Sleep on a silk pillowcase to reduce friction and prevent frizz.
  1. Regularly trim split ends to maintain overall hair health.
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By following these simple tips, you can prolong the effects of your keratin treatment and enjoy smooth, manageable hair for months to come.

Immediate Keratin Treatment Aftercare: The Crucial First 72 Hours

The first 72 hours following your keratin treatment are crucial for allowing the keratin to fully bond with your hair strands. During this time, it’s important to follow these guidelines:

  • Avoid washing or wetting your hair: Water can disrupt the keratin bonding process, so keep your hair dry and away from moisture.
  • Protect your hair from humidity and sweat: Avoid activities that might cause sweating or expose your hair to humidity, as these can also interfere with the keratin treatment.
  • Keep your hair loose and untied: Tying or styling your hair can leave dents or creases, so let your locks flow freely during this initial period.

General Hair Care Practices for Keratin-Treated Hair

Once the initial 72 hours have passed, you can resume washing your hair, but with a few adjustments to your routine:

  • Wash less frequently: Aim to wash your hair every 3-4 days to preserve the keratin treatment. Over-washing can strip away the keratin and shorten the treatment’s lifespan.
  • Use sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoo and conditioner: These gentle formulas are specifically designed for keratin-treated hair and won’t strip away the keratin or counteract its effects.
  • Deep condition weekly: Replenish moisture and enhance shine with a deep conditioning mask once a week. This will keep your hair soft, smooth, and manageable.

Essential Hair Care Practices for Post-Keratin Treatment

Gentle Cleansing and Conditioning:

After a keratin treatment, it’s crucial to switch to sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoos and conditioners. 

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These products are gentler on the hair and won’t strip away the keratin treatment. I recommend using shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for post-keratin treatment care.

As for washing frequency, aim to wash your hair every 2-3 days. Over-washing can strip away the keratin, while under-washing can lead to product buildup and dullness.

Recommended Ways to Take Care of Hair After Keratin Treatment

Heat Styling: Handle with Care:

Excessive heat styling can damage keratin-treated hair, causing it to become dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. 

If you must use heat styling tools, always apply a heat protectant spray beforehand.

Whenever possible, embrace heatless styling methods, such as air-drying or using heatless styling tools. 

These methods will help preserve the integrity of your keratin treatment and keep your hair healthy.

Shield Your Hair from Environmental Factors:

Protect your hair from sun exposure, chlorine, and saltwater, which can damage the keratin and cause dryness and fading. Use a leave-in conditioner or hair mask to provide an extra layer of protection and nourishment.

Switching to a satin or silk pillowcase can also make a significant difference. These fabrics reduce friction and prevent hair breakage, keeping your hair smooth and tangle-free.

Prolonging the Keratin Treatment’s Effects: Additional Tips

  • Nourishment from Within: Diet and Hydration:

A healthy diet rich in protein and essential nutrients is crucial for overall hair health. Protein is a building block of hair, while vitamins and minerals support hair growth and prevent breakage.

Adequate hydration is also essential, as it helps maintain the hair’s moisture balance, preventing dryness and brittleness. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Regular Trimming: Bid Adieu to Split Ends:

Regular trims are essential for removing split ends, which can travel up the hair shaft and cause further damage. I recommend getting a trim every 6-8 weeks, depending on your hair type and growth rate.

  • Seek Professional Guidance:

Consulting with a hairstylist or trichologist can provide personalized hair care advice tailored to your specific needs. They can assess your hair’s condition and recommend 

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products and practices that will help you maintain the keratin treatment’s effects.

Conclusion: Embracing a Hair Care Routine for Lasting Results

Proper hair care after a keratin treatment is crucial for prolonging its effects and keeping your hair looking its best. By following the recommended practices, you can enjoy smooth, frizz-free hair for months to come.

Remember, consistency and patience are key. Implementing these tips into your hair care routine will help you maintain healthy, beautiful hair that radiates with shine and vitality. 

Embrace a holistic approach to hair care, combining the right products, techniques, and lifestyle habits to keep your keratin-treated hair looking its best.

How long should I wait to wash my hair after a keratin treatment?

It is generally recommended to wait 72 hours (3 days) before washing your hair after a keratin treatment. This allows the keratin to fully bond with the hair strands and ensures the treatment’s effectiveness.

What type of shampoo and conditioner should I use after a keratin treatment?

Use sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for post-keratin treatment care. These products are gentler on the hair and won’t strip away the keratin treatment.

Can I use heat styling tools after a keratin treatment?

Yes, but use heat styling tools sparingly and always apply a heat protectant spray beforehand. Excessive heat styling can damage keratin-treated hair. Opt for heatless styling methods whenever possible.

How can I protect my hair from environmental damage?

Use a leave-in conditioner or hair mask to provide an extra layer of protection and nourishment. Switch to a satin or silk pillowcase to reduce friction and prevent hair breakage.

How often should I get my hair trimmed after a keratin treatment?

Aim for a trim every 6-8 weeks, depending on your hair type and growth rate. Regular trims remove split ends, preventing further damage and maintaining the overall health of your hair.

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